Friday, April 29, 2022

 Treyson Lichen


The adventurer finds the frog town and sets off to fight the invading bullfrogs and defeat king sunfish to save the world and the frogs

 Roasty Princess Adventure

Lady Lichen will be the main character

 Mushroom Hunt IzzySloper

 Lucy Mushroom Hunt


The Journey is about showing you what urbanization does to our stream health. It lets you the main character go through the daily cycle of humans, showing you what wee done to our waters and how big of an impact everything has. Through the macroinvertebrate's population and diversity. It may not be cool and flashy but it's educational. If you want to see what we’ve done, how we’ve devastated the waters, and how to fix it then this game is for you.

 jaymazing aka jj fishy game

You can purchase items and animals to help.
You can collect coins by killing enemies or collecting them along the path.

 Treyson Lichen